

Cidetec is an organization for applied research that integrates three international reference institutes in the fields of energy storage, surface engineering and nanomedicine. Cidetec is extremely active in EU research projects and industry targeted applied research in the field of polymer and polymer composite materials for Aeronautics and other sectors like Automotive, Railway and Construction, specifically related to the development of dynamic thermoset materials incorporating reversible chemistries.

Role in the project:

CID will formulate the smart 3R epoxy resins and adapt it to be nanomodified by NCYL and to fulfil the requirements for TEGs in terms of composite processing and use in service. CID also will work on the manufacture of laminae and laminates with 3R epoxy resin by out-of-autoclave processes (e.g. infusion, RTM or prepregging) and their mechanical characterization. Finally, CID will optimize and assess the repairability and recyclability functionalities of the TEG-enabled composites manufactured with 3R epoxy resin. CID will lead WP1, in relation with the Specifications of TEG-enabled composite laminates (materials, processes, requirements, constraints, etc.); and WP8, related to Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardization, and Data management.

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