HARVEST project & Main outcomes associated with the nanomodified 3R resin development presented in ImagineNano Conference
The 6th edition of one of Europe’s largest Nanoscience and Nanotechnology events, ImagineNano, was held in BILBAO (Basque Country, Spain) from 23-25 November 2021.
Six conferences were held in parallel covering the hottest scientific trends and HARVEST was presented at the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Nanocomposites (IC2 2021).
CIDETEC was invited to participate and contributed with an oral presentation entitled “Nanomodified reshapeable, repairable and recyclable epoxy resin for conducting composite materials” given by Arrate Huegun.
It was a good opportunity to present and disseminate the HARVEST project, the 3R technology developed by CIDETEC, as well as the main results of the development of a reshapeable, repairable and recyclable resin with improved thermoelectric conductivity through the addition of nanoparticles to the younger and more experienced scientific audience.
This conference was a great opportunity for both young and senior researchers from around the world to share and discuss their results, and for the HARVEST consortium to disseminate some of the main results of the project.