Demonstration of energy harvesting by tubular TEG-enabled structures for wireless Structural Heath Monitoring

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The final demonstration of the technologies developed within the HARVEST project was just performed successfully with a fully integrated demonstrator.

B&T Composites manufactured the final project tubular demonstrators using filament winding and 3R and nanomodified 3R resin developed by CIDETEC. UoI designed and developed and integrated onto the demos TEG devices.

During the tests performed by UOI and B&T, the thermal gradient applied on the TEG-enabled tubular demonstrators allowed the TEG to generate electricity by exploiting wasted heat.

The generated electricity powered the electronic board which accumulated the electrical power and activated a wireless SHM device.

The wireless functionality allows easier integration and low weight impact by avoiding the need for extra cabling.

HARVEST demonstrated the potential of nanomaterials-based TEG devices for harvesting wasted heat, that when converted to electrical energy can power SHM technology that is integrated into structural composites with low weight impact.

-In this case: SHM technology power by wasted heat harvested energy which can find application in aircraft as part of the de-icing system or the bleed air distribution system.

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